Monday, August 18, 2008

What's in a name? or How I learned to stop worrying and love the blog

"Post and Bugle"? Who came up with this crazy idea?

...well that was some of both of us. We had the concept of a blog for a while now, but it had to have a name. JT was pretty ecstatic that the blog should be more encompassing than just our Kiwi trip, so no "Southern Hemisphere Blog" would do.

I thought that as this would be somewhat of a newspaper-style posting, why not go with a newspaper-sounding name? Together we thought that "Post and Bugle", kinda typical of how amalgamated newspapers retained their former names (think St. Paul Pioneer-Press and Dispatch), had a good quality ring to it. Almost Mullet-style (you know, business in the front, party in the back). But now I'm getting a bit far fetched.

Now we just needed a family identifier. After considering every permutation on Toy-Klein there is (Kloy, Tlein, Lenoykit anyone? We thought, "Lefties, we're both lefties, that's specialized and unique enough!" Hence our new blog.

(And yes ladies, before he was the best Batman ever, Mr. Bale was a "Newsie".)

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