Monday, February 16, 2009

Tongariro Crossing

Hello all!
Attached are some pictures of us on the Tongariro Crossing, which is regarded as one of the best one-day hikes in New Zealand. We actually completed this hike a couple weeks ago after our 5-day canoe journey down the Whanganui River (pictures still to come). We actually passed on hiking the crossing when we were here during our first trip to New Zealand (March 2008); mostly because we felt we weren't equipped with the right equipment, shoes, etc. But this time we had hiking boots, which I was glad for.

To make the 19km crossing you have to arrange transport to the beginning of the track and from the end. Hundreds of people do the crossing everyday and are rewarded with stunning views of Mount Ruapehu, Ngauruhoe, and Tongariro. The 3 volcanoes make up the Tongariro National Park, which has been named a World Heritage Site.

The only thing that was sort of a turn off about the crossing is the number of people doing it. You are constantly passing people, and people are passing you. We constantly had to pull over for the last 2-3 hours of the hike when my knee started giving me trouble again. Unfortunately the last part of the track is well laid with stairs...of which I could only step down one at a time. Corey was very patient with me and I had to take it slow in order to get down the mountain...but I made it! Again, we were amazed at what people wore on this hike. The elevation was pretty high (don't ask me how high...that's a question for Corey) and at the top we were pretty exposed to some strong winds. I was glad for my rain jacket to shield me from the brutal wind and my beanie. But we saw peoplewalking in slip on canvas shoes (Vans) and jeans!

Anyways, enjoy the slideshow below or click here.

P.S. gotta go pick up Corey now...he's probably done surfing.

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