Friday, February 27, 2009

Adventure Activities

Earlier this month Corey and I journeyed to Rotorua, a city known for adventure activities. As many of you know we have have had bungy jumping and sky diving experiences before, so we were looking for something different, something uniquely New Zealand. In the morning we were up early to join the fine folks at RaftAbout who run both white water rafting and sledging trips down the Kaituna River. Sledging is where you are actually IN the water, kept afloat by a boogie-board-like contraption with handles. With a helmet and fins, you manuever your way down the river punching through the rapids as they swallow was fantastic! Below are some pictures from our sledging experience.

After sledging we continued the adrenaline rush with Zorbing. Diving head first into a rubber sphere padded with air, they throw in a bucket of water in with you and then and launch you tumbling down the hill. Think washing machine cycle and rollercoaster put together.

It was great fun! Ask us later and we'll have to tell you more stories.

Here's Janwyn coming down a rapid:

Corey and Janwyn in the Kaituna River:

Corey and Janwyn trying to "surf" the rapid side-by-side:

Corey doing his best against the current to stand on his sledge board:
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