Sunday, November 16, 2008

Headed (further) South

Hi All,

Just a quick update as I sit at my terminal at the Internet Cafe (not so much a cafe) in Christchurch.

We've come up with a rough gameplan for the next couple of days, though we've vowed to stay flexible. I ran back into town to recharge the AC in our new Nissan (pics to come soon, Andy) while Janwyn stayed in camp at Purau Bay on the Banks Peninsula.

We had hoped to come into town together, but last night Janwyn's fever peaked and she hardly got any rest. Thank goodness the campground host was attuned to her condition and gave us a caravan (mobile home to you Americans!) for no extra charge. Staying in a tent would not have been the best remedy. It really appears that she's back on the mend, but we're going to stay an extra day in Purau to be sure she's better before spending the better part of the day in a car.

If all goes well, we'll head out from there early tomorrow to Oamaru on the East Coast. There they have two colonies of Penguins, the little blue and the yellow-eyed. From there we head inland and may spend Wednesday night in Queenstown. Of course, this is all if Janwyn is feeling better!

After just over a week in, we're about headed into a more remote part of our trip. We'll be camping a large part of it and by Early December should have our first Wwoof experiences. Hopefully in there we'll have the chance to post some pictures ... We'd really like for everyone to see some of the sights we're seeing!

Take care and we miss everybody!

1 comment:

Alphabet Soup: I'll have another bowl!! said...

This is the first chance I've gotten to stop by and read your blog...I hope Janwyn feels better soon!!
Looking forward to reading more later & seeing some more pictures, too. ^_^
Take Care!!