It's been a challenge to get these to you, so here you are...

I'd like to dedicate this moment to all my engineering teachers, and all those hours I spent playing Tetris!

Here I am at the end of the Speight's Brewery Tour in Dunedin (pronounced Spayk's). For note, Speights on the South Island tastes better than it does on the North Island.

After six hours of hiking, this is NOT the "Top Bus" that we would be spending the night. That was yet another 1/2 hour further.
I'll try to get some more up here in a second.
This bottom picture of me on the Catlins Top Track is a picture of our most recent adventure. We just spent 2 days and 1 night (spent in a retired converted bus at the top of the mountain) with amazing views and scenery. We just got down the mountain this morning after hiking about 4 hours...completely soaked. It was raining the entire time! I'm glad to be in dry and warm now!
wow just like "into the wild" only you didn't eat a poisonous plant and die. Happy post Thanksgiving.
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