Sunday, October 26, 2008

other blogs we follow...

I've added a new section to the Post and Bugle blog's sidebar called "My Blog List". Recently I have added links to 2 blogs that some friends of mine keep updated.

Trek Life is authored by Seth Haber who has a company called Trek Light Gear. For those of you who have taken a siesta in our hammock, you know how wonderful it is. The hammock was purchased from Trek Light Gear, which also sells reusable bags and apparel. BTW, we are planning to take our double hammock to NZ....find a great spot along the beach to chill and relax.

Subcompact Culture is authored by our good friend AndyLilienthal who is a self-proclaimed "subcompact car enthusiast". Even though his blog may focus around smaller cars, he is an all-around car geek (sorry Andy). If Corey or I have any questions about cars...he's the guy we turn too. He has been helping Corey think through what kind of car we want to buy when we get to Christchurch, NZ.

Don't forget to check out the sidebar.....


M. Baranowski said...

Are they paying you guys? They should be. I too am blog happy and love finding out about new and good stuff.

Here are two that I follow:

No one I know but they have interesting views on life.

Janwyn said...

Cool, thanks for the links Mike! We'll have to check them out in more first glance they look pretty interesting.