So here's a smattering of last weeks pictures in Auckland and Northland as well as some final thoughts on our trip:
Heading home on our overnight cruise. We had a fantastic time in the Bay of Islands snorkeling, kayaking, fishing, and drinking Tui Beer.
While staying with Giselle in Auckland, we helped Graham with his unveiling of Marama Organic Meats to the customers of Farro Fresh Foods. Here we are in front of Graham's new sign honoring the occasion.
And with that, the top five things we're looking forward to back in The States:
5. Spoons that are conveniently mouth size!
4. Finding a job, making our new home, and creating a new garden
3. Having a coffee from Muddy Waters on Belmont in Portland
2. Screens on windows
1. Seeing Yin.
Hope to see everyone when we return from Samoa!
If you guys need any help with anything on the PDX end, let us know!
Andy & Mercedes
Not sure if you'll get this or will choose to reply as it is an off beat comment.
My name is Andrew, I was a server at Portland Restaurant Iorio. We met last fall before you all left of your NZ adventure. Corey gave me the link to your blog when I mentioned I'd be heading NZ way in august, and I dutifully followed you posts all winter.. sounds like you all had an awesome time!
Anyway, I am here now, in Wellington, and looking for reccomendations on the best of. There is certaily no shortage of wonderful things to do here but I thought I'd dig for advice from someone who recently tried to pack it all in in a few months.
What were you favorites? What are you must dos? Can you give me any details on how you bought a car? Im looking to do the same..
I'd love tohear you gush for a few paragraphs.
Sorry to po out of nowhere...
Hope all is well
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